Governor Philip Ludwell Chapter
Asheville, North Carolina
The Governor Philip Ludwell Chapter currently has eleven members. The namesake of our chapter, Philip Ludwell, was appointed governor of the British Colony of Carolina from 1691–1694. He was an honest man possessed of wisdom, but said to have had a fiery temper. He is credited with restoring order to the Colony.
Our ladies enjoy fellowship and a lovely luncheon meeting four times a year at the Asheville Country Club. A brief segment of each meeting is dedicated to national defense, patriotism and recognition of our veterans with the reading of a seasonally appropriate speech or essay. Our programs range from educational to historical.
Although we have only recently started participation in the Coat of Arms program, the Governor Philip Ludwell Chapter has 63 ancestral Coat of Arms documented and approved for the year. The members are very enthusiastic.
The ladies of the Governor Philip Ludwell Chapter are civic minded and service oriented and participate in various organizations and activities. As individuals and as a chapter, we are very committed to our veterans and support the Charles George VA Medical Center in Asheville, with donations of supplies, financial contributions and volunteer service.

Smith-McDowell House, the oldest surviving house in Asheville and the oldest brick structure in Buncombe County, North Carolina. (Photo from Wikimedia Commons)